Probate law is a subset of estate law, which deals with the transfer of property after someone dies, and that is when you might need a Probate Lawyer in Anchorage, AK. When someone dies, the people named in their will take over his or her property until it can be transferred to the people who inherit it. This period of time while the deceased’s property is being transferred to heirs is known as probate. In some cases, probate may not be necessary; if the deceased person left all his or her property to his or her spouse, then probate may not be required because their assets automatically pass to the surviving spouse by state law. Our friends at Theus Law Offices have shared some information with us with regards to the probate process.
What Is Probate?
The term probate is usually reserved for when someone dies and their assets must be distributed according to their will, but many people think of it as simply a legal process to transfer property. When you need someone to help you with a will, trust or probate proceeding, contact an experienced Anchorage probate lawyer. A competent lawyer can help guide you through what is often a confusing and time-consuming process.
Who Needs to Use a Probate Lawyer?
Many families don’t realize they need to use a probate lawyer when they are going through a deceased family member’s estate. Even if you think that you can handle all of these matters on your own, these cases may be too complicated for an amateur. For example, do you know how much money your loved one had in their bank account? Do you know what types of assets they owned? Do you know who their heirs are and where those people live? If not, it’s time to consider contacting an experienced probate lawyer Anchorage. Your probate lawyer will help guide you through the entire process and make sure everything is done correctly.
What Can They Do for You?
A probate lawyer can help you navigate your way through a legal process that may seem complicated and overwhelming. If you’re not careful, it could be very easy to get buried in legal jargon and loose ends. Choosing to handle these matters yourself when you don’t have an understanding of what’s going on can be dangerous — not only for your finances, but also for family relationships. A probate lawyer can help make sure everyone is treated fairly and given what they deserve from an estate.
Don’t Let Probate Get in the Way of Your Life!
Trusts are an incredibly valuable tool to help you ensure that your assets are kept separate from your spouse’s or children’s assets in case of a conflict. Trusts can be used for more than just estate planning, they can be used to protect you if your family members decide to initiate a lawsuit against you. A trustee is assigned by probate court as someone who oversees and protects your trust and its holdings. If you haven’t created one already, it might be time to think about forming one in order to keep unwanted family drama at bay. It’s not hard to create a trust so don’t wait until there’s an emergency. Take the time now to sit down with your spouse and children, explain the process, and get them on board with the idea of taking some proactive steps before something happens that you’re unprepared for.
Contact a probate lawyer today!
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