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A will executor lawyer knows that preparing for the future when you are no longer here with loved ones is not an easy feat. In fact, many people put off the task of creating an estate plan until too much time has gone by. Or, some people pass away without having ever gotten to leave behind wishes for how they want their legacy to be passed on.
Of all the estate planning related tasks you will have to tackle, one of the hardest can be choosing your will executor. This person has an important job in handling your personal affairs after your death. Here are traits to look out for when choosing the right executor for you:
Choose someone who is responsible.
The primary quality your executor should have is responsible. This person doesn’t need to have extensive knowledge in law or be a financial adviser to make a great will executor. However, in order to ensure your wishes are met, you should pick someone you trust to handle serious decisions and communicate effectively with beneficiaries.
Make sure they are willing to fulfill their duties.
Talking to loved ones about your death is uncomfortable, but you will have to confirm that the person you want to be the executor can and is willing to hold this role. If you don’t ask beforehand, you run the risk of them not being ready for the job or struggling to accomplish what needs to be done while in the midst of their grief.
Appoint a second executor as back-up.
As your Will Executor Lawyer in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania may tell you, It isn’t uncommon to appoint two executors, in case the first won’t or cannot fulfill this duty. You’re going to get older as the years go by, so consider choosing a second executor who is younger, healthy, and likely to outlive you — just in case the first choice of executor passes away or refuses to serve.
Upon your passing, your will executor will essentially step into your shoes and perform all the legal tasks needed related to your estate. Responsibilities an executor often deals with include selling property, bringing forward lawsuits, paying creditors, distributing assets, reviewing medical records, sharing account details with beneficiaries, and more. So, who are you going to choose as your will executor, the person who will handle your final personal effects?
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